French cuisine is so much fun to understand; it brings together classic cooking techniques with fresh ingredients and flavors that are unmatched by any cuisine! Come for a lesson of classic dishes which include: Beet, Apple, & Walnut Salad; Tomato Tart with Olives & Gruyère; Country French Pork Chops, seared and cooked with a Pan Sauce of Dried Plums, Olives, Red Wine, Vinegar & Butter; French Chicken in a Pot, slow roasted Chicken cooked with Vegetables; Best Baked Spinach with wilted Spinach, baked with Gruyere Cheese and Breadcrumbs; French Potato Salad with Radishes, Cornichons, & Capers, and Crepes with Sautéed Apples & Caramel Sauce.